I believe that each child is an individual and as an educator I will value and develop each child's strengths, interests, skills, abilities and knowledge to extend their learning. I believe that children learn much better through play especially using electronic devices and online. The use of artifacts such as e-tivities, timelines, video artifacts and reflection blogs in all practical activities has a greater impact as far as a child or a learner is concerned. 



There are many artifacts which can be used in the teaching and learning situations. During the course of PC109 I have learnt about e-tivities, timelines, video artifacts, readings, reflection blogs and others to be mentioned.

Below I am going to briefly give the detailed information about each of the artifact and the reflections. The artifacts are as follows:



A timeline is a graphical representation of a period of time, on which important events are marked. These timelines present the events and information in a logical manner so that the learner can easily grasp the concepts of the events. On timeline I was presenting the history of important mathematicians and their discoveries from BCE 624 to BCE 120. This demonstration was done using a power point presentation using the slides.

The problems I did encounter in creating a timeline include searching for those Mathematicians on the internet, downloading the information and their pictures. From this problem I have learnt about the sites which can give us more details about mathematics and mathematicians such as www.mathsisfun.com. Timelines can assist me as an individual to record the facts which are taking place in our lives so that they can be linked with the previous and future facts. As a mathematics educator I can use timelines to educate my students on the interdependence of the facts in mathematics.

This work shows me that I am capable of producing and link as much information as I can which can be used to develop a certain idea. Completing this work taught me that everything we are currently learning were developed by the people like me, so I am also able to develop the ideas of others and introduce new ideas which will solve mathematical problems easily.

Educational technology has made me a better educator through teaching me about timelines and their importance and also how to construct them.



Creating videos used in the teaching and learning situations is one of the most important and interesting things I have learnt in Educational Technology. The context and the purpose of the course on creating video artifacts include teaching the learners using videos, the do’s and don’ts when making a video presentation, publishing the video URL on YouTube and tagging someone when publishing the video.

On the video artifact I was presenting about finding the nth term in an arithmetic progression series. In creating this video I have encountered a problem of recording a nice video and editing the video size so that it cannot consume much data when publishing it. This problem has taught me to use some applications which can be used to record the videos and edit the videos such as video compressor, HD video recorder and video audio mixer. These applications are available on Google Play store. Currently I am now using these applications when making a video artifact.


This work shows that I am now capable of conducting the lessons online using the videos and I am able to publish any video on YouTube. Completing this work on video artifact has taught me that I am becoming an expert in the field of educational technology and I am sure I would be assisting my colleagues on making video presentations.



A reflective blog is a journal or diary that requires multiple entries and is often used to track evidence and monitor development over time. The development often refers to either a project or the development of the reflector, or both. So, the main purpose of a blog is to connect one to the relevant audience. Another one is to boost one’s traffic and send quality leads to the website. The more frequent and better your blog posts are, the higher the chances for your website to get discovered and visited by your target audience. The context of the course was to enable us to open a blog account and publish the reflections on the blog. I have encountered the problem of creating a blog account. I have learnt that the important aspect when creating a blog account is the email address.

Blog reflections have shown me that I am capable of updating the information on the blog address and others can access the information. I have currently linked my blog account with facebook so that people can easily access the information on by blog account via my facebook account that is www.facebook.com/sitimaraymond.

Completing this work has taught me that it is easily to update information on a blog and that people can leave the comments on the blog. However I have learnt that Blogs can be time consuming. Finding time to write regular updates can become a chore and that people may leave rude or inappropriate comments. My blog address is raymondsitima0.blogspot.com.



E-tivities are frameworks for enabling active and participative online learning by individuals and groups. They overturn the idea that learning depends on one big expert and his/her conveying of knowledge. They are based on the strong idea that knowledge is constructed by learners through and with others. E-tivities are structured, collaborative learning tasks. They provide learners with an opportunity to construct and apply their knowledge in engaging and manageable ways.

E-tivities capture learner interest and imagination via an enticing title and a crucial 'spark' of interesting information. They also structure the interaction (usually based around posting and replying to messages on a discussion forum) via clear concise instructions and specified timeframes. They consolidate and distil learning via feedback and summaries from the e-facilitator.

The scope of the course was to enable the electronic interaction between the learners and between the learners and the teacher. I have not encountered some challenges in this artifact. This work has shown me that I am capable of designing e-tivities and implement them in the teaching and learning situations. Completing this work has taught me to engage the learners with the opportunity to construct and apply their knowledge in a manageable way.



Readings include online bookshops like Amazon, Google Books and so on which are used by the learners and teachers to acquire information. The purpose of the course was to enable learners to read the books which are found online using the electrical devices. When creating readings I have learnt that it is possible to publish the books or notes online so that the learners can access the books and use them for educational and luxurious purposes.

I have encountered the problems of the sites to get the readings and also network problems. I am now aware of the sites where readings can be accessed and published. This work has showed me that it is easy to access information inform of text books online and I am now capable of uploading the readings so that the learners can access.

Completing this work during the course of PC109 has taught me that information can be found everywhere as long as you have a devise which connects to the internet.



During the entire course I have developed many attributes which can be used in the teaching and learning process.

I have grown much in making a video presentation and publishing it. I am now aware of what is required and not required when making a video presentation (Guo et al,2014). I have learnt to design some e-tivities. Presenting the information on the blog was my great achievement since I had never known about it. The blog reflection can work as a compilation of all other artifacts since a video can be published on blog, a timeline, readings and other artifacts. (Brame & Biel,2015)

In future, I am sure that I will continue using these skills I have learnt and I wish to pursue my further studies in this area. I am sure the moment I will do my final program project I will be applying what I have learnt in this course.


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